Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lou Reed & Butthead

Love is for Suckers

Who came up with this one? 1980s Tough RnB boy band invade a white Nuclear family and eat chicken. And all of that has nothing to do with the song. I'm sure a white man put Full Force up to this. But I kind of like it still. Rock on, Full Force

Arsenio meets Annie Lennox, Randy Savage

I'm loving the Arsenio interviews found on youtube. The guy had EVERYONE who defined the early 90s/late 80s. Much more interesting to watch than Leno and Letterman. Maybe not as fascinating as the Chevy Chase Show though.

Love Annie Lennox so much. I grew up in love with her strong and strange on-stage appearance. And now, as an adult, I'm more in love with her shy and nervous personality behind the performance. Let her explain.

Macho Man Randy Savage is endlessly entertaining. And pretty witty as well.