Sunday, July 26, 2009

comedy: Joysticks

Things I like about this movie:

1. Joe Don Baker as the middleaged villain
2. The kids include a dirty fat party animal (HAWAIIAN SHIRT!) and AN 80S nerd (bowtie-wearing, ofcourse)
2. There's a sex-hating nurse
3. Street gangs and colored haired punks
4. 30 year old teenage girls with FUCKING incredible breasts
5. A climactic arcade battle
6. Strip... arcade
7. The best hotdog gag EVER

COMEDY: School Spirit

Right now, I'm obsessed with stupid-ass comedies of the late 70s and up to the mid 90s. You know, sight gag-filled, slapstick-filled, boob-filled, sexually frustrated nerd-filled goodness. Here's some interesting crap:

Notice the main character, Billy Batson, is named after the child alter ego of the original Captain Marvel. Sweet.

This movie does look like shit though. I like that the trailer reveals, immediately, that at the end of the film, everyone learns he has become a ghost. Who cares about plot anyway. This has a lot of skin and falling down! Yuk-yuk!

RIP-OFF: Up the Academy

In comedy... and horror... and any genre of film, a terrible rip-off or cash-in of a more artistic and legitimate property can be extreme fun. Here we have 'Mad Magazine's Up the Academy'. When National Lampoon had a few successful hits like "Animal House" and "Vacation", MAD churned out this odd little "Stripes for Teen Boys" picture. I think its cool the awkward cute geek role went to a black kid. Nowadays, they'd just hand this role to Michael Cera.

Lost Comedy Gem: Guick Change

I'm getting this movie. Bill Murray and Randy Quaid makes my funnybone water(?), but Geena Davis too! Anything she's in is atleast watchable. Bill Murray, possibly the greatest modern comic actor, directed this little gem too.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Evelyn 'Champagne' King - Give it Up

Perfect 80s dance song from the great romantic horror-comedy "Fright Night". Check that movie out!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Coonery VS. Stupid black people

What makes someone a coon? What makes them a Tom?

I'm a fan of Tracy Morgan. He is a brilliant comedian and develops very clever, skilled jokes. But his persona of the mentally-unhinged, sexual miscreant makes alot of black people nervous and alot of white people laugh WAY too hard. Is he cooning? To a black audience, he is simply a pervert, a jokester and very weird. But to a white audience who looks down on black culture, he is a modern Stepin Fetchit. But the fact is, he IS who he portrays. It is not as contrived a character as you'd think. He has a ton of kids (but he is married), he seems to have some perconality disorders (but professionally, he is talented sucess) and his humor is very raw, surreal and often juvenile.

Coonery is when a black person CONSCIOUSLY conforms to a popular racist stereotype. A dumb black motherfucker who fits the stereotype, not by choice, is not a coon. He is just a stupid person who is black. OJ Simpson = coon. Flava Flav = silly black man. He's just being himself. He just happens to make white people feel superior. Britney Spears should make the average black woman feel superior. Is she a white coon? She embodies tasteless public sexuality, intellectually-opressive entertainment, the evil stereotype of blondes as stupid, troubled bimbos.

Then I think people of asian, hispanic, indian ethnicity can be coons. I've seen plenty of them degrade themselves to gain white favor and ... usually money.

So we have to ask can a white person coon? Have you ever heard of a white man fitting to a negative white sterotype to win a minority's favor. Its different than white guilt.

I think we need to seperate and redefine of "coon". One kind of coon makes whites feel superior: Stepin Fetchit and most rappers. While others, the more Uncle Tom-ish black, exists solely to make whites feel safe and unthreatened in a world of "scary black people". He isn't a symbol of degradation, he reinforces whites' feeling of black EQUALITY. I think Uncle Toms are necessary, when its genuine. Because I appreciate a white guy like Kenny Loggins thats makes me think "Damn, white people can be nice to have around".